Polski Poniżej
————————English version below————————-
Zapraszamy na niesamowicie potężną dawkę wiedzy z ulubionego stylu wszystkich lubiących przytulanie – czyli Kizomby
4H warsztatów Kizomby i jej cudnownych pochodnych : UrbanKiz i Fusion będzie prowadził André Negrão https://www.instagram.com/andrenegrao_official
z Partnerką Olya oraz towarzyszącą im pochodzącą z Portugali Sandy
Mało ? zaraz po warsztatach zapraszamy wraz z naszymi gwiazdami na imprezęna której zagrają specjalizujący się w tych gatunkach muzycznych :
Dj Dany pochodząca z Czech organizatorka niesamowitego eventu Kizfnity
Dj IronMan wszystkim dobrze znany – zagrał już na niejednym festiwalu
To nie koniec atrakcji
W piątek 12 tycznia 2024r zapraszamy na Beforparty na którym polecą tłuste bity od naszych Dj
Na rozpoczęcie nasz gość specjalny Dante – Sławek Więckiewicz o 21:00 poprowadzi Wszystkim 60 minut lekcji
W skrócie :
Pszczyńska 197 44-100 Gliwice – 3arte
Plan ramowy :
21:00 – 22:00 Kiz Workshop by Dante
22:00 – 3:00 Friday Party (Dj Dany & Dj Ironman)
15:00 – 19.30 (z przerwami)
-Workshops by André Negrão&Olya
-Warning up
-Music awareness
-Introduction of the movement of conection and body isolation
-Dance technic of kizomba
-Introductiin of urbankiz
-Urban thecnic movement
-Introduction of fusion
-Fusion thenic movement
21:30-4:00 Main Party
Ceny Fullpass
109zł (pierwsze 10 osób)
129zł (kolejne 10 osób)
149zł cena do 29.12.2023
159zł cena regularna online
179zł cena w dniu wydarzenia w recepcji
Party Pass – TBA
Bilety dostępne jedynie online na stronie
Płatności zagraniczne – należy wybrać na stronie płatność kartą
Andre Negrao is from Brasil. Actor and director from the basic formation. He is experienced teatcher, from more then 35 years. Starting teaching zouk and Brasilian Samba, coming next tango, Salsa, and finally bachata and kizomba. Currently his specialist in kizomba Fusion, that is a mix of kizomba and Urbankizz. His talent and name are a reference in kizomba scene, so he have been attending in the most important internacional festivals all overr the Europe.
——————————English version ————————-
We invite You to an incredibly powerful dose of knowledge from the favorite style of all hugging people – Kizomba 4 Hours of Kizomba workshops and its wonderful derivatives, i.e. UrbanKiz and Fusion, will be conducted by André Negrão
with his Partner Olya and their accompanying Sandy from Portugal
Right after the workshops, we invite you and our stars to a party where DJs specializing in these musical genres will play.
DJ Dany, the organizer of the amazing Kizfnity event from the Czech Republic,
DJ Ironman, who comes from Łódź and is well known and loved in this environment.
It is not the end !
The day before, i.e. Friday, January 12, 2023, we invite you to Beforparty, where the fat beats will be played:
DJ Dany and DjIronman will also play, and at the beginning our special guest Dante – Sławek Więckiewicz will give everyone a 60-minute lesson
In Short :
Pszczyńska 197 44-100 Gliwice – 3arte
Framework plan :
21:00 – 22:00 Kiz Workshop by Dante
22:00 – 3:00 Friday Party (Dj Dany & Dj Ironman)
15:00 – 19.30 (with breaks)
-Workshops by André Negrão&Olya
-Warning up
-Music awareness
-Introduction of the movement of conection and body isolation
-Dance technic of kizomba
-Introductiin of urbankiz
-Urban thecnic movement
-Introduction of fusion
-Fusion thenic movement
21:30-4:00 Main Party
109zł (First 10 persons)
129zł (another 10 persons)
149zł price untill 29.12.2023
159zł regular price online
179zł price on the day of the event at the reception
Party Pass – TBA
Tickets available online on the website
Foreign payments – please choose card payment
Andre Negrao is from Brasil. Actor and director from the basic formation. He is an experienced teacher, from more then 35 years. Starting teaching zouk and Brasilian Samba, coming next tango, Salsa, and finally bachata and kizomba. Currently his specialist in kizomba Fusion, that is a mix of kizomba and Urbankizz. His talent and name are a reference in kizomba scene, so he have been attending in the most important international festivals all overr the Europe.
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